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The laboratory of Gorgan Va Dasht Animal and Poultry Feed Factory as the first animal and poultry feed laboratory in Golestan province, using the experience of its expert and efficient staff in order to serve its customers – production units and livestock and poultry breeders – from It started operating in 1993. Achieving quality goals in order to provide optimal services to domestic and foreign customers has always been the concern of the company.

Our effort is to provide laboratory services in both chemical and microbial sectors including:
1. Sampling, testing and checking all input materials, including all types of grains, all types of flour, bran and microbeads.
2. Monitoring products during production
3. Final testing of all manufactured products before sending to the customer To ensure the provision of the desired product in accordance with the defined standards. Gorgan and Dasht company considers customer satisfaction as an important principle, therefore, it tries to satisfy its customers by providing services at the agreed time at a reasonable price, continuous communication and paying attention to quality. The main responsibility of the quality assurance unit is to maintain quality continuously.