
22th Kilometer of Gorgan to Gonbad Road, Gorgan, Iran


01732312212 - 01732312211

Everything related to poultry infectious bronchitis

Everything related to poultry infectious bronchitis

Poultry infectious bronchitis is an acute viral disease with high transmissibility in chickens, which is characterized by tracheal lesions, coughing and sneezing. Infectious bronchitis virus can lead to respiratory lesions, kidney inflammations, reproductive disorders and weight loss in affected birds. ...

Newcastle disease in broilers

Newcastle disease in broilers

Newcastle disease is one of the most common poultry diseases and is often seen in chickens and roosters. Maybe the name of this disease is interesting for some people, the reason for naming this disease is the city of Newcastle, ...

Lameness disease in dairy cows

Lameness disease in dairy cows

Lameness is caused by various factors, including nutritional, infectious, environmental, and mechanical factors such as trauma, impact, and bad positions that lead to mechanical injuries. In dairy cows, where our goal is maximum production, lameness disease is obvious in its ...

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Newcastle disease in broilers

Newcastle disease in broilers

Lameness disease in dairy cows

Lameness disease in dairy cows

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